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System Pages

System Pages, under 'Settings', is where you’ll find all those pages required by certain system functionality, error messages and confirmations. Such as the Page Not Found 404 error page. Form Submission Results page for a confirmation message when someone submits a form on your site, and various secure zone pages for password reset workflows, etc.

This section gives you control over how these pages are presented and allows for creative improvements for your user’s experience.

For example, you could insert a site search on the 404 ‘Page Not Found’ page, or dynamically list your most recent blog posts, to improve your visitors experience if they, for whatever reason, fall on a broken page link or incorrect URL. Or perhaps you want to provide further security information or instructions during the password reset workflow.

Treepl CMS provides full creative and development control over such system pages.

System Page Descriptions


This page is presented to the user if they are not authorized to access the current resource/URL, but authorisation may be possible (ie: via a Secure Zone login).


This page is presented to the user if the current resource/URL attempting to be accessed is forbidden and cannot be accessed in this manner.


This page is presented to the user if the current resource/URL attempting to be accessed is not found (either temporarily or permanently).


The eCommerce checkout page for submitting a shopping cart order and any payment details.


The default page presented to the user following any undeclared or unknow system actions.


This page is presented to the user after following the system generated link from the 'Deferred Order Payment' system email. This page contains a payment form allowing the payment of an existing unpaid order.


This page is presented to the user after they have completed the process of verifying their email address (ie: after subscribing to a Secure Zone).


The default page presented to the user following any undeclared or unknow system error.


The default page presented to the user after a form submission (either if successful or if a submission error has occured).


This page is presented to the user if there is no system home page specified and they are attempting to access the root domain for the web site.


This page is presented to the user after a check out form submission (either if successful or if a submission error has occured).


The default system page holding the password reset request form.


The default system page presented to the user after a password reset form submission (either if successful or if a submission error has occured.


This page is presented to the user after they have followed a tokenised password reset link and provides the form for setting and confirming a new password.


The eCommerce shopping cart page for displaying pending order items and overall order details, as well as th eability to select shipping options, enter discount codes, redeem gift vouchers and other shopping cart functionality.

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