Change log

System Emails

System emails are emails that are sent when a particular action is carried out on the website and/or via the admin.

System Email Descriptions

Admin Reset Member Password

The email layout used when a member's password has been reset by a site admin user, providing the member with the new password and the email address of the admin that changed it.

Confirm Email Notification

The email layout used when the system needs to confirm the user’s email address. Typically when subscribing to a secure zone.
This email is sent to the email address provided during the form submission.

Deferred Order Payment

The email layout used when sending an order payment request to a member for an unpaid order, providing them with a unique link to the 'Deferred Order Payment' system page identifying the order to be paid.


The email layout used when an eCommerce order includes the purchase of a gift voucher product.
This email is sent to the supplied recipient to deliver the gift voucher details to them.

Invite Admin User

The email layout used when adding an Admin user to your web site instance, providing them with the details to finalise their admin access.


The email layout used when a payment is made via a form submission, paid subscription, check out, etc.
This email is sent to the purchasers email address.

Low Stock Notification

The email layout used when an eCommerce order includes a product/s that inventory level subsiquently falls below the assigned low stock threshold.

Order Status Changed

The email layout used when sending an order status change notification to the purchasing customer.

When editing this email there will be an additional dropdown available in which to select from the available Order Statuses on your site. Therefore, multiple email layouts can be edited via this item.

Password Retrieve Email

The email layout used when a reset of a member's password has been requested (either via the admin or a 'Password Reset' request form on the website).
This email is sent to the member's email address.

Restore Admin User Password

The email layout used when resetting a site admin's password, providing them with a unique, time sensitive link allowing a new password to be set.

Secure Zone Login Details

The email layout used when a user registers to a Secure Zone, or when a member's Secure Zone details are manually sent from the admin.
This email is sent to the member's email address.

Supplier Notification

The email layout used when an eCommerce order includes a product/s with a supplier assigned to them.
This email is sent to the supplier's email address providing them with details of the order relevant to them.

Workflow Notification

The email layout used when the system default Workflow is triggered.
This email is sent to any recipients added to the Workflow settings.

System Email Fields

Each system email has the following system fields allowing you to customise the email headers, content and layout.

Liquid Support

Templates are used as a wrapper for the system email and are handy for setting a single, consistant layout for different content/messages. There are two default options plus any custom templates you may have added:

  • Don’t Use a Template
  • System Default

Email templates can be created or further edited under ‘Email Notifications’ > ‘Email Templates’.
Any custom email templates will also appear here for selection.


This is the subject line of the email sent to the recipient.
eg: “This email is about resetting your password

From Email

This is the sending email address of the email sent to the recipient.
eg: “

If using a non-verified email domain you’ll see a warning message and icon (). For more info on Email Domain verification see here.

From Name

This is the sending name of the email sent to the recipient.
eg: “Your Site Name


This is the body content of the email sent to the recipient.
A basic message is included in each system email to get you started. However, HTML (suitable for email) along with most other Liquid components and logic can be added here to further customise the message sent to the recipient.

Currently, system fields 'Subject' and 'From Name' for the "Workflow Notification" email do support Liquid tags.

Email Domain Authentication

All system emails (ie: Workflow Notifications, Autoresponders, Follow-up Emails, Abandon Cart Emails, etc.) can be reliably sent out via the system email domain of (so a “From” email address can be used for system emails with any username, such as

If you wish to use your own custom domain email address for sending out system emails you can do so also. Just be sure to authenticate your email domain with SPF and DKIM authentication methods as detailed in the following documentation articles:

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External Resources

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