This module component fetches data according to a yearly and monthly archiving of items from a specific module (based on item Release Dates).
Only archive dates that match items within the specified module are returned. In other words, archive dates with an item count of 0 won't be returned.
Parameters and Options
This is the name of the entity that needs to be used for the component retrieving function.
<Module name/ID>
<Parent ID>
If an empty string, nothing will be rendered.
If paramater is not included, the default virtual layout will be rendered (see below).
.ASC (default)
sorts the items in ascending order while DESC
sorts in descending order (based on alpha/numeric or date sorting).If empty or not present, alpha/numeric sorting will be used.
collection (default)
returns each item iteratively, one after another, for output (generally, output to a container element with no need for looping through the data).collection
returns all items as one collection for output (your container element and looping logic would be handled in the Components Layout).<yourLiquidVariableName>
Your collectionVariable value must only contain English letters, numbers or underscores. Spaces or special characters are not supported.
Liquid Output
The below example shows the system archive dates associated with the Blog module. The Liquid data output from this example would look like the following (for example, when using a collectionVariable
to create the collection):
The data exposed is explained further in the table below:
A formatted URL with parameter string that can be used, along with your module component configured with the isSearchResults: "true"
parameter, to display all module items using the archive date.
See the 'Liquid Components' documentation for the module you are working with for more info on using the isSearchResults
The pattern used to format this URL is as follows:
For example, using the component to reference a top level module (let's use the Blog module), ie:
{% component type:"module_archive", module:"Blog Post" %}
The URL output would be (for year 2018):
Additionally, if using the component to reference a parent group via the parentItemId
parameter (let's use a specific Blog within the Blog module), ie:
{% component type:"module_archive", module:"Blog Post", parentItemId:"1234" %}
where '1234' is the ID of your specific blog parent/group item.
The URL output would be (for year 2018):
The number of items, within the specified module, that have this archive date assigned.
A formatted URL with parameter string that can be used, along with your module component configured with the isSearchResults: "true"
parameter, to display all module items using the archive date.
See the 'Liquid Components' documentation for the module you are working with for more info on using the isSearchResults
The pattern used to format this URL is as follows:
For example, using the component to reference a top level module (let's use the Blog module), ie:
{% component type:"module_archive", module:"Blog Post" %}
The URL output would be (for month of August 2018):
Additionally, if using the component to reference a parent group via the parentItemId
parameter (let's use a specific Blog within the Blog module), ie:
{% component type:"module_archive", module:"Blog Post", parentItemId:"1234" %}
where '1234' is the ID of your specific blog parent/group item.
The URL output would be (for month of August 2018):
The number of items, within the specified module, that have this archive date assigned.
Virtual Layout
Based on the above example, if not using any custom layout or collection, the default virtual layout will output as a list with month/year, link and item count:
Rendering the list:
Accessing the Data
JSON Output
You can output the full JSON for your component data by referencing the root Liquid object {{this}}
in your module’s layouts, or directly on your page, if using the collectionVariable
parameter in your component tag.
For example:
You can then render the JSON like so:
For more details on using this approach, see Part 2 of the free ‘Learning Liquid Course’.
Rendering Property Values
This data is accessible in two main ways:
1. Using Liquid in a custom defined Layout via the this.years
object and two forloops (since the default object type is a collection); one to loop through the years and one for the months.
Example of a forloop in the custom layout file
2. Directly on the Page or Template via a Liquid Collection if collectionVariable
was added to the Component.
An example using collectionVariable
with value "archiveCollection" for the Blog module:
Using the following forloop directly on the page:
Renders all the item names in a list:
- November 2019
- October 2019
- April 2019
- January 2019
- December 2018
- November 2018
Accessing a specific item within the collection. In this case the third month within the first year (zero based index), which in our example would render the value April
External Resources
Please let us know if you have any other contributions or know of any helpful resources you'd like to see added here.
We are always happy to help with any questions you may have.
Visit the Treepl Forum for community support and to search previously asked questions or send us a message at and we will consult you as soon as possible.