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Infrastructure & Security


Treepl CMS is fully hosted in Amazon Web Services (AWS) and it takes advantage of a large set of its products: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) for scalable computing capacity in the cloud, Elastic Block Store (EBS) and Simple Storage Service (S3) for storing and retrieving data, Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Identity and Access Management (IAM), Security Groups, and others for security purposes, Simple Email Service (SES) for sending emails, CloudWatch for monitoring and others.

In order to obtain a higher performance level, Treepl CMS customers are hosted and served from six AWS data centers: Germany (EU), Oregon (US), Virginia (US), Sydney (AU), Canada (CA), United Kingdom (UK).

Infrastructure Overview Chart

Infrastructure Chart


AWS offers a reliable platform for software services used by thousands of businesses worldwide, provides services in accordance with security best practices, and undergoes regular industry‐recognized certifications and audits.

More information regarding AWS security can be found in the AWS Security White Paper.

More information on Treepl CMS security and architecture see our Security Overview here.

Portal & Admin User Passwords

The setting of both the Reseller and site Admin User passwords enforce the following password complexity rules, where the password must contain at least one of the following:

  • 10-30 characters
  • lowercase letters (a-z)
  • uppcase letters (A-Z)
  • numbers (0-10)
  • special character (!#$%^&*_)
  • no forbidden characters

Password reset workflows are initiated from the Portal and site login pages (or from the site admin for Admin Users) with a time-sensitive, tokenised link sent to the user's email address. Reseller and Admin User passwords are never sent in plain text and can only be set/reset by the user.

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    Website Templates

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External Resources

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Please let us know if you have any other contributions or know of any helpful resources you'd like to see added here.


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Visit the Treepl Forum for community support and to search previously asked questions or send us a message at and we will consult you as soon as possible.