Change log

Limits & Restrictions

While system restrictions are inevitable, Treepl CMS aims to lift as many limitations to your development as possible.

Below you'll find a 'work-in-progress' list of system resource limits to help in your development planning and troubleshooting, particularly for larger sites and more demanding client requirements.


Number of Forms created per site
No limits
Form field characters (inputs and textareas)
1,073,741,823 characters for ALL fields (including names and JSON special characters). All fields stored as JSON string in single db field.
Scripts, Liquid markup
Form label characters
255 characters
Fields added to a Form
No limits
Options added to Checkboxs, Radios, Selects, etc...
No limits
Total file upload size limit
Cannot be adjusted or restricted per form
Form submission timeouts (front-end)
No timeout
Providing no customisation/overriding of default RECAPTCHA scripts, where present


File Manager Total File Size Upload Limit
Item URL Slug length
254 characters

Allowed File Extensions

File Extension
Content type (MIME)
text / h323
application / octet - stream
application / octet - stream
application / internet - property - stream
application / octet - stream
application / postscript
audio / x - aiff
audio / aiff
audio / aiff
application / vnd.adobe.air - application - installer - package + zip
application / x - ms - application
image / x - jg
application / octet - stream
video / x - ms - asf
application / octet - stream
text / plain
video / x - ms - asf
video / x - ms - asf
audio / basic
video / x - msvideo
application / olescript
text / plain
application / x - bcpio
application / octet - stream
image / bmp
text / plain
application / octet - stream
application / - pki.seccat
application / x - cdf
application / octet - stream
application / x - java - applet
application / x - msclip
image / x - cmx
text / plain
image / cis - cod
application / x - cpio
text / plain
application / x - mscardfile
application / pkix - crl
application / x - x509 - ca - cert
application / x - csh
text / css
application / octet - stream
application / octet - stream
application / dicom
application / x - director
application / octet - stream
application / x - x509 - ca - cert
image / bmp
application / x - director
text / xml
application / x - msdownload
text / dlm
application / x - msdownload
application / msword
application / msword
application / octet - stream
text / xml
application / x - dvi
drawing / x - dwf
application / acad
application / octet - stream
application / x - director
application / octet - stream
message / rfc822
application / octet - stream
application / octet - stream
application / postscript
text / x - setext
application / envoy
application / octet - stream
application / octet - stream
application / vnd.fdf
application / fractals
application / octet - stream
x - world / x - vrml
video / x - flv
image / gif
application / x - gtar
application / x - gzip
text / plain
application / x - hdf
text / x - hdml
application / x - oleobject
application / octet - stream
application / octet - stream
application / winhlp
application / mac - binhex40
application / octet - stream
application / hta
text / x - component
text / html
text / html
text / webviewhtml
text / html
application / x - ica
image / x - icon
application / octet - stream
image / ief
application / octet - stream
application / x - internet - signup
application / x - internet - signup
video / x - ivf
application / java - archive
application / liquidmotion
application / liquidmotion
image / pjpeg
application / octet - stream
image / jpeg
image / jpeg
image / jpeg
application / x - javascript
application / json
application / - earth.kml + xml
application / - earth.kmz
application / x - latex
text / css
application / x - ms - reader
application / octet - stream
video / x - la - asf
video / x - la - asf
application / octet - stream
application / x - msmediaview
application / x - msmediaview
video / mpeg
audio / x - mpegurl
application / x - troff - man
application / x - ms - manifest
text / plain
application / x - msaccess
application / octet - stream
application / x - troff - me
message / rfc822
message / rfc822
audio / mid
audio / mid
application / octet - stream
application / x - smaf
text / xml
application / x - msmoney
video / quicktime
video / x - sgi - movie
video / mpeg
audio / mpeg
audio / mpeg
video / mpeg
video / mpeg
video / mpeg
video / mpeg
application / - project
video / mpeg
application / x - troff - ms
application / octet - stream
application / x - msmediaview
application / x - netcdf
video / x - ms - asf
message / rfc822
application / octet - stream
application / oda
application / oleobject
application / pkcs10
application / x - pkcs12
application / x - pkcs7 - certificates
application / pkcs7 - mime
application / pkcs7 - mime
application / x - pkcs7 - certreqresp
application / pkcs7 - signature
image / x - portable - bitmap
application / octet - stream
application / octet - stream
application / pdf
application / octet - stream
application / octet - stream
application / x - pkcs12
image / x - portable - graymap
application / - pki.pko
application / x - perfmon
application / x - perfmon
application / x - perfmon
application / x - perfmon
application / x - perfmon
image / png
image / x - portable - anymap
image / png
application / - powerpoint
image / x - portable - pixmap
application / - powerpoint
application / - powerpoint
application / pics - rules
application / octet - stream
application / octet - stream
application / postscript
application / octet - stream
application / octet - stream
application / octet - stream
application / x - mspublisher
video / quicktime
application / x - quicktimeplayer
application / octet - stream
audio / x - pn - realaudio
audio / x - pn - realaudio
application / octet - stream
image / x - cmu - raster
application / rdf + xml
image / vnd.rn - realflash
image / x - rgb
application / vnd.rn - realmedia
audio / mid
application / x - troff
audio / x - pn - realaudio - plugin
application / rtf
text / richtext
application / x - msschedule
text / scriptlet
application / octet - stream
application / set - payment - initiation
application / set - registration - initiation
text / sgml
application / x - sh
application / x - shar
application / x - stuffit
application / octet - stream
application / octet - stream
audio / x - smd
application / octet - stream
audio / x - smd
audio / x - smd
audio / basic
application / octet - stream
application / x - pkcs7 - certificates
application / futuresplash
application / x - wais - source
application / streamingmedia
application / - pki.certstore
application / - pki.stl
application / x - sv4cpio
application / x - sv4crc
application / octet - stream
application / x - shockwave - flash
application / x - troff
application / x - tar
application / x - tcl
application / x - tex
application / x - texinfo
application / x - texinfo
application / x - compressed
application / octet - stream
image / tiff
image / tiff
application / octet - stream
application / x - troff
application / x - msterminal
text / tab - separated - values
application / octet - stream
text / plain
application / octet - stream
text / iuls
application / x - ustar
text / vbscript
text / x - vcard
text / plain
application / vnd.visio
text / xml
application / vnd.visio
application / vnd.visio
application / vnd.visio
application / vnd.visio
application / vnd.visio
application / vnd.visio
audio / wav
audio / x - ms - wax
image / vnd.wap.wbmp
application / - works
application / - works
application / manifest + json
image / webp
application / - works
video / x - ms - wm
audio / x - ms - wma
application / x - ms - wmd
application / x - msmetafile
text / vnd.wap.wml
application / vnd.wap.wmlc
text / vnd.wap.wmlscript
application / vnd.wap.wmlscriptc
video / x - ms - wmp
video / x - ms - wmv
video / x - ms - wmx
application / x - ms - wmz
application / x - font - woff
application / x - font - woff2
application / octet - stream
application / - works
application / x - mswrite
x - world / x - vrml
x - world / x - vrml
text / xml
video / x - ms - wvx
application / directx
x - world / x - vrml
image / x - xbitmap
text / plain
application / - excel
application / - excel
application / - excel
application / - excel
application / - excel
application / - excel
text / xml
x - world / x - vrml
image / x - xpixmap
text / xml
text / xml
text / xml
text / xml
application / octet - stream
image / x - xwindowdump
application / x - compress
application / x - zip - compressed

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External Resources

There are currently no external resources available.

Please let us know if you have any other contributions or know of any helpful resources you'd like to see added here.


We are always happy to help with any questions you may have.
Visit the Treepl Forum for community support and to search previously asked questions or send us a message at and we will consult you as soon as possible.