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Granular White-labeling

An addition to the regular white-labeling feature, this extension provides branding controls on an individual site, allowing you to customise a site’s brand logo and login screen separately to your overall white-labeling settings.

This can be useful if you have multiple brand channels / sub-brands that certain sites are managed under and you wish to maintain that level of branding for the site admin.

Alternatively, you may like to brand site admin areas with the client's own branding, for a higher level of customisation and ownership for the client.


Granular White-labeling is installed as a site extension and can therefore be enabled from your reseller Portal, via the site instance settings, then under the ‘Extensions’ tab.

Clicking the “Install” button will move the extension to the ‘Installed Extensions’ section and activate it for that site.

Once installed, the extension will be available for use via the site admin as detailed below.

This extension is available for PARTNER AGENCY level resellers only.


From your reseller Portal, via the site instance settings, then under the ‘Extensions’ tab, clicking the trash can () icon next to the Granular White-labeling extension will uninstall the extension from the site and move it back to the ‘Available Extensions’ section.

Admin Interface

The branding options will become available in the site’s admin area, under the gear () icon in the top right of the screen.

Your client will also be able to see these settings when logging in to the site admin unless you change their admin user role permissions, as detailed in the Admin Users section below.

Custom Branding

You have the ability to customise the branding of your Treepl Admin and login screen. Below are the options available:

My logo for dark background
This is the logo that will appear in the upper left-hand corner of the admin area in the top banner bar with a background color of #292e34.
Maximum size of the logo is 151px wide x 62px high.
My logo for light background
This is the logo used for the admin login screen. The logo will sit on a white background with approx. 45px padding all around.
Maximum size of the logo is 200px wide but can be any height.
Background image
This image is used as a full screen background on the admin login screen, sitting behind the white login box.
The image will be set to fit the browser viewport with no repeat.

Admin Users

Admin User Roles can be configured to control how admin users access and use Granular White-labeling.

Admin User Roles and permissions for the Granular White-labeling extension

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