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Shipping Options

Treepl CMS provides the ability to configure both custom shipping options and integrated shipping providers based on a variety of conditions during the shopping cart stage.

Managing Shipping Options

Found under ‘eCommerce’ > ‘Shipping Options’, here you’ll find a list of all shipping options configured for use on your website, including their base price and which currency/country they relate to.

Clicking the pencil icon () to the right of each item will allow editing of that shipping option. Clicking the trash can icon () will delete the shipping option.

To create a new shipping option, click the “ADD NEW SHIPPING OPTION” button above the item list.

Adding / Editing

When setting up a new shipping option you’ll be able to configure the details, and after saving, configure the rules around how/when this option is applicable to the user’s shopping cart.

Below are further details for the fields available.

Be sure to enable shipping for each product (on each product's settings page) where shipping is applicable.


The descriptive name of the shipping option that will be displayed in the shopping cart shipping dropdown.
The currency/country setting in which the shipping option is to be used.

Allows for custom settings to be applied to control how/when this shipping option is applied.

Australia Post
Integrated shipping provider. See below for more details.

Integrated shipping provider. See below for more details.

Integrated shipping provider. See below for more details.

Integrated shipping provider. See below for more details.

Canada Post
Integrated shipping provider. See below for more details.

New Zealand Post
Integrated shipping provider. See below for more details.

Tax Never Applies
When checked, tax calculations will not be applied to this Shipping Option within the eCommerce system.
Tax Code

Not Applicable
Setting the shipping tax to ‘Not Applicable’ instructs Treepl CMS to use no tax rates from the CMS in the calculation of shipping prices when ‘User Defined’ shipping options are applied.
When integrated shipping providers are used, the tax rate provided by the shipping integration provider, if available/applicable, will be used instead.

The tax rate applicable for this shipping option (from your available Taxes currently configured for your site instance).


A per order value representing the starting/base price of the shipping option (further values as per below 'Settings' may be calculated along with this price).

When the Shipping Option ‘Type’ is set to any integrated shipping provider, this ‘Price’ field will be removed and the following fields will become available relating to the shipping provider services and credentials required.

Shipping Provider Services
Available service offerings from the Shipping Provider (eg: Express, Domestic, International, etc...).
API Keys, Account ID's, etc.
Additional fields here will depend on the Shipping Provider selected and will typically include API credentials and account authorisation details.
See Shipping Integrations below for further details.
Postal Code
The zip/postal code that shipping will originate from (typically where the business owner will send the packages from).


Handling Charge
An additional,per order value representing a part of the shipping costs(eg:a handling fee).
Additional Per Item Handling Charge
An additional,per item quantity value representing a part of the shipping costs(eg:a handling fee based on the number of items purchased).
Weight Limitations
These fields represent a minimum and maximum weight range,respectively. Therefore,this shipping option will only be available for selection in the shopping cart if the total weight of all applicable products is greater than the minimum or less than the maximum values set here.

Your products must have weight information configured for this limitation to be effective.

Width Limitations
These fields represent a minimum and maximum width range,respectively. Therefore,this shipping option will only be available for selection in the shopping cart if the total width of all applicable products is greater than the minimum or less than the maximum values set here.

Your products must have width information configured for this limitation to be effective.

Height Limitations
These fields represent a minimum and maximum height range,respectively. Therefore,this shipping option will only be available for selection in the shopping cart if the total height of all applicable products is greater than the minimum or less than the maximum values set here.

Your products must have height information configured for this limitation to be effective.

Depth Limitations
These fields represent a minimum and maximum depth range,respectively. Therefore,this shipping option will only be available for selection in the shopping cart if the total depth of all applicable products is greater than the minimum or less than the maximum values set here.

Your products must have depth information configured for this limitation to be effective.

Order Price Limitations
These fields represent a minimum and maximum price range,respectively. Therefore,this shipping option will only be available for selection in the shopping cart if the total order price of all applicable products is greater than the minimum or less than the maximum values set here.
Show Shipping Option to
A multi-select option allowing this shipping option to be displayed only for the chosen member type/s(Consumer and Wholesaler).

This setting relates to logged in users only and will not affect users not logged in.

Limit Delivery to Following Countries
A multi-select option allowing this shipping option to be displayed only for the chosen countries.

This setting works off the current domain country settings to determine the purchasing country.

Exclude Shipping if Purchasing from these Catalogs
A multi-select option excluding this shipping option from displaying if any products in the shopping cart were added from the selected catalog/s.

Displaying Shipping Options

To display shipping options in your shopping cart, and to further display integrated shipping provider options (if in use), you will need to include a shipping form with some or all of the following components on your shopping cart system page (found under ‘Settings’ > ‘System Pages’ > ‘shopping_cart’):

  • A Country selector.
  • A Shipping Option selector (listing the shipping options you’ve created).
  • A Taxes selector.
  • The Shipping Provider Fields component (to show additional shipping options from the provider).

The default layout for this is as follows.

<form action="#" class="system_form">
    {% assign destinationCountryCode = shoppingCartData.destinationCountry.code %}
    {% if  shoppingCartData.destinationCountry.code == "" or shoppingCartData.destinationCountry.code == null%}
    {% assign destinationCountryCode = shoppingCartData.domainCountry.code %}
    {% endif %}
    {% component type:"countries", collectionVariable:"" %}
    {% component type:"shipping_options", collectionVariable:"", filteredCountry:"{{destinationCountryCode}}" %}
    {% component type:"tax_codes", collectionVariable:"", filteredCountry:"{{destinationCountryCode}}" %}
    {% component type: "shippingProviderFields" %}

See the related articles below for further information about each component type.

Shipping Integrations

Australian Post

Details to come...


Start by creating the FedEx account that suits your needs here (unless you already have an account).

You’ll then need to register for the developer Web Services here and follow the steps to move through to a ‘Production’ ready account and start the process to obtain a Production Key.

After filling in the required information you should be presented with your ‘Authentication Key’ and ‘Meter Number’ which will need to be entered into your Treepl CMS admin along with your FedEx ‘Account Number’ and a ‘Production Password’ which FedEx may email to you after following the steps above.

Also enter the Postal Code in your Treepl CMS admin for which deliveries will be sent from. This will likely need to match the details provided in your FedEx account setup.


Details to come...


Follow the steps outlined here for setting up your USPS Web Tools API Portal and to access their APIs.

After successful sign-up you should receive a User ID. Enter this into your Shipping Options in the Treepl CMS admin along with the Postal Code deliveries will be sent from. This will likely need to match the details provided during your USPS account/API setup.

You may also need to activate your User ID for use for “Production Server”, either via your Web Tools Portal or by contacting USPS support.

Canada Post

Go to (make sure you have a validated Canada Post Account).

Once signed in, it should automatically list your Development and Production API keys. If you need to regenerate keys you can do it here too. If no API keys exist, you can create new ones.

  1. Copy your Customer # (located in the Company tab)
  2. Copy your API Username & API Password (depending on your website progress – development for Beta, and production for the final site). Username/Password are on the same line, so it goes username : password

'API Username' and 'API Password' fields should be filled not by the Canada Post account username and password but by API username and password that can be retrieved as described above. Further details can also be found in this Canada Post documentation:

Canada Post API

In the Treepl CMS setup, the 'Postal Code' option should match the postal code in your Canada Post Set Up. (Canada Post requires your postal code to have no space in it and all upper case. Eg: V3H2Y1)

New Zealand Post

Follow the steps outlined here for setting up your NZ Post business account, register for commercial access and request API access.

When setting up your API access you will need to enable the ‘ShippingOptions API’ for use with Treepl CMS.

Ensure you meet the ‘ShippingOptions API’ prerequisites noted for this API.

Collect your API/Client ID and API/Client Secret from the API setup and enter these into your Shipping Options in the Treepl CMS admin along with the City and Postal Code deliveries will be sent from. These will likely need to match the details provided in your NZ Post account/API setup.

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External Resources

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