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Form Submissions (Cases)

Form Submissions store the captured data from any form submission made on your website (from a form created under ‘Content’ > ‘Forms’).

This includes general enquiry forms, custom forms, payment forms, Event registration forms, the shopping cart checkout, etc.

Form Submission items can also be created manually via the admin as a way of creating customer-specific ‘case files’ and these cases can be rendered, for example, in the contact’s secure member’s zone.

Managing Form Submissions


From the Form Submissions list view you can see all Form Submissions in a paginated table layout (with pagination controls at the bottom of the table) and a sortable column headers for 'Name' and 'Submission Date' fields.

You can also search the list via the search field at the top of the table, which will search for your keyword/s within the item name.

Additionally, you’ll find controls for adding, editing and deleting Form Submissions, as detailed further below.


Found under the main auxiliary menu (), you can import/export data to/from your Form Submissions. You can further add/update your Form Submissions in bulk using a spreadsheet application and re-import them in an Excel file format (.xlsx).

If re-importing to update existing items, be sure to maintain the same 'ID' values from those exported items.

Use the "Get Import Template" option from the auxiliary menu, or export the current items, in order to get a template import file you can use for importing new data.


Individual items can be deleted either by clicking the trash can icon () to the right of the item or when on the item's edit page, click the trash can icon () in the lower right of the page.

Additionally, you can make bulk selections from the item list view (by ticking the checkboxes on the left of each item) and click the "DELETE SELECTION" button that will appear at the base of the list view.

Populating Form Submissions

From the Form Submissions item list view, click the “ADD NEW FORM SUBMISSION” button at the top to start creating a new item or click directly on the name (or pencil icon "") of any existing item in the list to view/edit its details.

When adding a new Form Submission, an email address of an existing CRM contact needs to be entered in order to assign the case to.

Upon viewing/editing an item you'll have access to the following data, as detailed below:


The Form Submissions detail view will display any currently populated system fields, along with all added fields from the form setup and any Advanced CRM Groups.

If the Form Submission included a payment, a link to the relevant Order will be displayed in the item heading, helping you link between the two items.

Clicking “EDIT” at the bottom of the page will allow for editing the added form fields and for adding additional custom fields.

System fields displaying here belong to the CRM Contact record and are shown for informational purposes. These fields cannot be edited within the Form Submission itself.

Custom Fields

You can assign Advanced CRM Groups to an individual case file by clicking the “+ Add custom fields” link at the bottom of the Form Submission edit details page.

For further information on managing custom fields, see the documentation on Advanced CRM Groups.

Form fields that are removed from an existing form can compromise any previously collected data for that field that exists in the CRM (Form Submissions).
Collected data will remain visible in the Form Submission preview screen and in the cases Liquid component output only while the Form Submission item has not been resaved/edited. However, any legacy data will not be included in Form Submission exports at any stage as the column headers are derived from active form field properties only.

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External Resources

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Please let us know if you have any other contributions or know of any helpful resources you'd like to see added here.


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