All Blogs

A list of all Blogs on the site.

Standard Rendering from Component tag

{% component type: "module", source: "Blog", layout: "Blog List Layout" %}

Custom Rendering from Liquid Collection

{% component type: "module", source: "Blog", layout: "", collectionVariable: "blogData" %}
    {% for i in blogData.items %}
    <li><a href="{{i.url}}">{{}}</a></li>
    {% endfor %}
  "Params": {
    "source": "Blog",
    "layout": "Blog List Layout",
    "type": "module",
    "collectionvariable": "blogData"
  "Pagination": {
    "CurrentPage": 1,
    "ItemsPerPage": 10,
    "NumberOfPages": 1,
    "TotalItemsCount": 3
  "Parent": {
    "Id": 2289,
    "Name": "All Blogs",
    "Url": "/demo-cs/all-blogs",
    "Url_List": [
    "UrlSlug": "all-blogs",
    "ParentId": 2224,
    "ParentId_List": [
    "ParentName": "demo-cs",
    "ParentUrl": "/demo-cs",
    "TemplateName": "DEMO Companion Site",
    "Module_Alias": "Page",
    "Module_ID": 1522,
    "Enabled": true,
    "ReleaseDate": "2018-12-14T18:00:00",
    "ExpiryDate": "2099-12-10T18:00:00",
    "SiteSearchKeywords": [],
    "Description": "<h1>All Blogs</h1>\r\n<p>A list of all Blogs on the site.</p>\r\n\r\n<div class=\"grid-x grid-padding-x\">\r\n    <div class=\"cell medium-6\">\r\n        <h3>Standard Rendering from Component tag</h3>\r\n            <pre>{% raw %}{% component type: \"module\", source: \"Blog\", layout: \"Blog List Layout\" %}{% endraw %}</pre>\r\n        {% component source: \"Blog\", layout: \"Blog List Layout\", type: \"module\", collectionVariable: \"blogData\" %}\r\n        <hr>\r\n        <h3>Custom Rendering from Liquid Collection</h3>\r\n        <pre>{% raw %}{% component type: \"module\", source: \"Blog\", layout: \"\", collectionVariable: \"blogData\" %}{% endraw %}</pre>\r\n{% capture blogloop %}{% raw %}<ul>\r\n    {% for i in blogData.items %}\r\n    <li><a href=\"{{i.url}}\">{{}}</a></li>\r\n    {% endfor %}\r\n</ul>{% endraw %}{% endcapture %}\r\n        <pre>{{blogloop | escape}}</pre>\r\n        <ul>\r\n            {% for i in blogData.items %}\r\n            <li><a href=\"{{i.url}}\">{{}}</a></li>\r\n            {% endfor %}\r\n        </ul>\r\n    </div>\r\n    <div class=\"cell medium-6\">\r\n        <ul class=\"tabs\" data-tabs id=\"code-tabs\">\r\n            <li class=\"tabs-title is-active\"><a href=\"#panel1\" aria-selected=\"true\">Liquid Output</a></li>\r\n        </ul>\r\n        <div class=\"tabs-content\" data-tabs-content=\"code-tabs\">\r\n            <div class=\"tabs-panel is-active\" id=\"panel1\">\r\n                <pre>{{blogData | escape}}</pre>\r\n            </div>\r\n        </div>\r\n    </div>\r\n</div>",
    "Weighting": 0,
    "DisableForSiteSearch": false,
    "CreatedByMemberId": "0",
    "ItemCategories": [],
    "ItemCategoryIdList": [],
    "ItemTags": [],
    "Author": 0,
    "Author_Name": "",
    "Author_Url": "",
    "Item_Rating": 0,
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    "MetaTitle": "",
    "SEOTitle": "",
    "MetaDescription": "",
    "CanonicalLink": "",
    "SocialMetaTags": "",
    "SeoPriority": 0.0,
    "EnableAMP": false,
    "AMPContent": "",
    "OpenGraphProperties": {
      "title": null,
      "type": null,
      "url": null,
      "locale": null,
      "image": null
    "ExternalId": 0,
    "Params": {}
  "Items": [
      "Id": 2286,
      "Name": "DEMO Custom Blog",
      "Url": "/demo-custom-blog",
      "Url_List": [
      "UrlSlug": "demo-custom-blog",
      "ParentId": 1528,
      "ParentId_List": [
      "ParentName": "",
      "ParentUrl": "",
      "TemplateName": "DEMO Companion Site",
      "Module_Alias": "Blog",
      "Module_ID": 1528,
      "Enabled": true,
      "ReleaseDate": "2018-12-14T18:00:00",
      "ExpiryDate": "2099-12-10T18:00:00",
      "SiteSearchKeywords": [],
      "Description": "<p>This is a description for my blog.<br>\r\nIt has Categories and Tags applied and can be filtered by Category, Tag and Month.<br>\r\nPagination is also enabled.</p>",
      "Weighting": 0,
      "DisableForSiteSearch": false,
      "CreatedByMemberId": "0",
      "ItemCategories": [],
      "ItemCategoryIdList": [],
      "ItemTags": [],
      "Author": 0,
      "Author_Name": "",
      "Author_Url": "",
      "Item_Rating": 0,
      "ShowPageForSearchEngine": true,
      "MetaTitle": "",
      "SEOTitle": "",
      "MetaDescription": "",
      "CanonicalLink": "",
      "SocialMetaTags": "",
      "SeoPriority": 0.0,
      "EnableAMP": false,
      "AMPContent": "",
      "OpenGraphProperties": {
        "title": "",
        "type": "",
        "url": "",
        "locale": "",
        "image": ""
      "ExternalId": 0,
      "Params": {
        "source": "Blog",
        "layout": "Blog List Layout",
        "type": "module",
        "collectionvariable": "blogData"
      "Id": 2464,
      "Name": "DEMO Custom Blog 2",
      "Url": "/demo-custom-blog-2",
      "Url_List": [
      "UrlSlug": "demo-custom-blog-2",
      "ParentId": 1528,
      "ParentId_List": [
      "ParentName": "",
      "ParentUrl": "",
      "TemplateName": "DEMO Companion Site",
      "Module_Alias": "Blog",
      "Module_ID": 1528,
      "Enabled": true,
      "ReleaseDate": "2019-11-06T00:00:00",
      "ExpiryDate": "2099-12-12T00:00:00",
      "SiteSearchKeywords": [],
      "Description": "<p>This is a description for my blog.<br>\nIt has Categories and Tags enabled and can be filtered by Keyword/Search, Category, Tag and Month.<br>\nFor the depreciated blog layout <a href=\"/demo-custom-blog\">see here</a>.\n</p>",
      "Weighting": 0,
      "DisableForSiteSearch": false,
      "CreatedByMemberId": "0",
      "ItemCategories": [],
      "ItemCategoryIdList": [],
      "ItemTags": [],
      "Author": 0,
      "Author_Name": "",
      "Author_Url": "",
      "Item_Rating": 0,
      "ShowPageForSearchEngine": false,
      "MetaTitle": "",
      "SEOTitle": "",
      "MetaDescription": "",
      "CanonicalLink": "",
      "SocialMetaTags": "",
      "SeoPriority": 0.5,
      "EnableAMP": false,
      "AMPContent": "",
      "OpenGraphProperties": {
        "title": null,
        "type": null,
        "url": null,
        "locale": null,
        "image": null
      "ExternalId": 0,
      "Params": {
        "source": "Blog",
        "layout": "Blog List Layout",
        "type": "module",
        "collectionvariable": "blogData"
      "Id": 2279,
      "Name": "DEMO HTML Blog",
      "Url": "/demo-html-blog",
      "Url_List": [
      "UrlSlug": "demo-html-blog",
      "ParentId": 1528,
      "ParentId_List": [
      "ParentName": "",
      "ParentUrl": "",
      "TemplateName": "DEMO Companion Site",
      "Module_Alias": "Blog",
      "Module_ID": 1528,
      "Enabled": true,
      "ReleaseDate": "2018-11-25T18:00:00",
      "ExpiryDate": "2099-12-11T07:00:00",
      "SiteSearchKeywords": [],
      "Description": "",
      "Weighting": 0,
      "DisableForSiteSearch": false,
      "CreatedByMemberId": "0",
      "ItemCategories": [],
      "ItemCategoryIdList": [],
      "ItemTags": [],
      "Author": 0,
      "Author_Name": "",
      "Author_Url": "",
      "Item_Rating": 0,
      "ShowPageForSearchEngine": true,
      "MetaTitle": "",
      "SEOTitle": "",
      "MetaDescription": "",
      "CanonicalLink": "",
      "SocialMetaTags": "",
      "SeoPriority": 0.0,
      "EnableAMP": false,
      "AMPContent": "",
      "OpenGraphProperties": {
        "title": null,
        "type": null,
        "url": null,
        "locale": null,
        "image": null
      "ExternalId": 0,
      "Params": {
        "source": "Blog",
        "layout": "Blog List Layout",
        "type": "module",
        "collectionvariable": "blogData"